See and feel the difference with a Silhouette Dermalift Non-Surgical Facelift
Let Silhouette Dermalift unlock the secret to Anti-Ageing and lock in a smoother, radiant, hydrated and youthful skin with diminished lines and wrinkles with our unique treatments.
With Dermalift you will be looking even better and our treatments will:
When the gentle micro-currents are applied to the facial muscles and tissue of the face, neck and throat, they gently stimulate those areas that have lost their youthful glow and resilience. The finer lines that have formed around the eyes will start to diminish and your skin texture will take on a much fresher appearance, feeling smoother and regenerated
These treatments are initially recommended as a course of between 6 and 10 treatments, twice weekly, for 3-5 weeks, followed by a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks.